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Showing posts from February, 2024


A NEEDY MAN,S PRAYER " O God, I plead with tears in my eyes, for I am but a needy soul without You. Please, guide my faltering steps, strengthen my weary spirit, and let Your presence flood my heart with solace. In the radiance of Your love, I find a glimmer of hope amidst my despair; in Your boundless grace, I draw the strength to carry on. Show me the path to walk in Your footsteps, and grant me the faith to trust in Your divine purpose. Amen."  "اے خدا، میں اپنی آنکھوں میں آنسوؤں کے ساتھ التجا کرتا ہوں، کیونکہ میں تیرے بغیر ایک محتاج روح ہوں۔ براہِ کرم میرے اُلجھتے قدموں کی رہنمائی فرما، میری تھکی ہوئی روح کو تقویت دے، اور تیری موجودگی میرے دل کو تسکین سے بھر دے، تیری محبت کی چمک میں۔ مجھے اپنی مایوسی کے درمیان امید کی کرن نظر آتی ہے؛ تیرے بے پناہ فضل میں، مجھے آگے بڑھنے کی طاقت ملتی ہے۔ مجھے تیرے نقش قدم پر چلنے کا راستہ دکھائیں، اور مجھے اپنے الہی مقصد پر بھروسہ کرنے کا یقین عطا کریں۔ آمین۔"

The Human Cry for Divine Help

 The Human Cry for Divine Help In the midst of life's trials and tribulations, there are moments when exhaustion grips us tightly, and we find ourselves whispering a heartfelt plea for divine assistance. "I am tired, please help me, God" — a simple yet profound expression that echoes the universal yearning for solace and strength in times of weariness and despair. Acknowledging Vulnerability: The phrase "I am tired, please help me, God" serves as a poignant acknowledgment of our vulnerability as humans. It humbles us, reminding us that despite our best efforts, there are moments when we feel overwhelmed and depleted, unable to carry the weight of our burdens alone. Seeking Spiritual Nourishment: In moments of fatigue and distress, many turn to their faith for solace and sustenance. Through prayer and meditation, we find comfort in the belief that there is a higher power who listens to our pleas and offers us the strength to persevere. The act of prayer becomes a

Morning Prayer

  Divine Creator, As the morning sun paints the sky with its gentle hues, I am overwhelmed by the beauty of this new day, a canvas of possibilities that You have graciously gifted us. Every breath I take is a reminder of Your abundant blessings, and for that, I am deeply thankful. Yet, amidst the splendor of this dawn, I come to you with a heavy heart, burdened by the trials and tribulations that weigh upon me and my loved ones. My soul aches with the weight of our struggles, and I lift my eyes to You, seeking solace and strength. Oh, compassionate God, hear my plea. Wrap Your loving arms around us and guide us through the storm. Illuminate our path with Your divine light, that we may find our way through the darkness. Grant us the courage to face our challenges head-on and the wisdom to discern Your will. In the name of Jesus Christ, whose love knows no bounds, I pour out my heart to You, trusting in Your infinite mercy and grace. Amen. DOWNLOAD PRAYERS الہی خالق، محبوب خدا جیسے ہی ص

Today Praye

  Today Prayer For I am the Lord your God, who stirs up the sea so that its waves roar - the Lord Almighty is his name. I have put my words in your mouth and covered you with the shadow of my hand - I who set the heavens in place, who laid the foundations of the earth, and who say to Zion, “You are my people.” Isaiah 51:15-16 کیونکہ مَیں رب تیرا خدا ہوں جو سمندر کو اِس طرح اُبھارتا ہے کہ اُس کی لہریں گرجتی ہیں، رب الافواج اُس کا نام ہے۔ میں نے اپنے الفاظ تیرے منہ میں ڈالے ہیں اور اپنے ہاتھ کے سائے سے تجھے ڈھانپ لیا ہے - میں جس نے آسمانوں کو قائم کیا، جس نے زمین کی بنیاد رکھی اور جو صیون سے کہتا ہے، "تم میرے لوگ ہو۔" یسعیاہ 51:15-16 "Heavenly Father, you see everything happening in the world. We come to you with all the bad stuff still bothering us. Please keep us safe in your hands. Give us the strength to keep going, even when things are tough. We belong to you, God. You picked us to help us and keep us away from bad things. Please help us now. Let us feel you close to

"Embracing the Power of Prayer and the Presence of Jesus" "دعا کی طاقت اور یسوع کی موجودگی کو قبول کرنا"

(jamshaid Bhatti) "Embracing the Power of Prayer and the Presence of Jesus"     Prayers are like the air we breathe, so important for our souls to thrive. They're our heart-to-heart talks with the universe, where we pour out our hopes, fears, and gratitude. Think of prayer as our GPS in life, guiding us through the twists and turns, giving us strength when the road gets rough. It's a way to say "thank you" for the good stuff and find peace in the midst of chaos. And when we pray together, it's like joining hands with our fellow travelers on this journey called life. We feel connected, supported, and part of something bigger than ourselves. Now, let's talk about Jesus. For many, he's not just a historical figure, but a beacon of hope and love. He's like that friend who's always there, offering a shoulder to lean on and a hand to lift us up. Jesus shows us how to live with kindness, forgiveness, and compassion. He's our ultimate cheerle